I discovered AFI via STS when I was bullied a lot in high-school. The music was beautiful and fut every mood and just spoke to me. Since then, I collected whatever I could find of them, dressed up as the Girl’s Not Grey Girl, made Jack ‘o lanterns, logos in minecraft, avatars online, and celebrated my love for AFI. Besides bullying, it kept me grounded through horrible times in college and my chronic pain caused by constantly having surgeries. AFI’S music kept me going. I made my husband into a fan and finally got to see them live in 2017 after being a fan for 14 years. We got to hold Davey up and I met both Davey and Jade in person and talked to Hunter online. They’re super friendly and thus have made me like their music more. Life has its ups and downs but having AFI’s music to turn to keeps me going strong. I’m grateful to have been a fan since I was 14. AFI is almost as old as me. It’s crazy, but awesome and I look forward to seeing what they have in store for everyone in the future. Can’t wait to see them for the 4th time in March!