The few times I heard “Days of the Phoenix” on 91X in San Diego CA in 2000 it really grabbed my attention. On the Sing the Sorrow tour they played at UCSD and the buzz was almost irresistible when I was a student there. After that I was a news editor at a TV station and seeing “Silver and Cold” on the edit bay cable monitors was unforgettable. One day one of the editors had footage of AFI performing at Street Scene and the whole team crammed into her bay to watch, seemingly mesmerized. Years passed enjoying their hits on the radio. In 2009 a Harley biker neighbor convinced me to see AFI play live. He was impressed by Davey’s work in Son of Sam. He gave me a copy of decemberunderground that haunted me for years and is now among my favorites. I have since bought most of the Jade era albums from Black Sails through Bodies. Many thanks, AFI, for making such excellent music.