It all started at the tender age of 14, I first heard Days of the Phoenix and fell in 🖤Flash forward 20 years and I have had so many beautiful memories with AFI it’s hard to choose just one; I’ve seen several live shows me and my bestie would skip school to pick up new albums and once to see Davey interview at a local radio station. I met my now husband who shares the same eternal love for AFI, we have matching tattoos with lyrics from The Lost Souls, he proposed to me at an AFI show. But one the best moments of my life was when I walked down the isle at our wedding to Endlessly She Said, and my bestie that skipped school with me all those years ago was front and center mouthing the lyrics. From my early teenage angst into semi functioning adulthood LOL, you guys have always been by my side and I feel like I have grown up with you, I can’t imagine a life without you! 🖤🖤🖤
My Love Story 🖤