My first ever concert – 16 years ago!
Oklahoma City, OK, US
In February of 2007, you played Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa… I was 11, it was my first ever concert. I begged and begged my dad to get to go – I was obsessed. I was probably no more than 4 feet tall at the time, so I’m thankful he went with me and could lift me so that I could see you all better from time to time.
I’ll never forget you playing God Called In Sick Today as an encore! I hope I get to hear it again this fall when I see you all in Dallas.
Love from a lifetime fan <3 congrats on 30 years. Thanks for all of the wonderful music and memories

High School years
Peoria, AZ, US
When I was in high school (2003) I was really into a lot of bands… My love for AFI started when the album Sing the Sorrow came out. I had pictures of them on my folder, which turned into conversation starters and friendships along the way. I will never forget seeing them live in Glendale, AZ. I was up front when they came on. The stage set up was awesome. It gave winter vibes. Stage presentation phenomenal, throughout every song. They will forever be my favorite band 🖤
Love that you all are still making rad music
Arizona, US
Y’all have been my favorite band since 1998. I have several tattoos. I have met you all a hand full of times. Was in despair factor. You guys were always polite and put up with us fans. Still some of the best shows I ever went to. Miss the old stuff of course, but LOVE that you have evolved and are still able to be making music.
Inescapably riveting.
San Diego CA, US
The few times I heard “Days of the Phoenix” on 91X in San Diego CA in 2000 it really grabbed my attention. On the Sing the Sorrow tour they played at UCSD and the buzz was almost irresistible when I was a student there. After that I was a news editor at a TV station and seeing “Silver and Cold” on the edit bay cable monitors was unforgettable. One day one of the editors had footage of AFI performing at Street Scene and the whole team crammed into her bay to watch, seemingly mesmerized. Years passed enjoying their hits on the radio. In 2009 a Harley biker neighbor convinced me to see AFI play live. He was impressed by Davey’s work in Son of Sam. He gave me a copy of decemberunderground that haunted me for years and is now among my favorites. I have since bought most of the Jade era albums from Black Sails through Bodies. Many thanks, AFI, for making such excellent music.
Seeing AFI In Memory of My Brother🖤🤍
Whittier, CA, US
I saw you guys perform at the house of blues in Anaheim on October 25, 2022. It was an awesome show. It meant a lot to me growing up listening to you guys all of the time and also being there in honor of my brother Andrew James Quiñones who died of DKA almost a year and a half ago. I tried so hard to not cry but i did that night. Thank you for making that night very special to me. I love you guys a lot Your music has always made sense to me and personal things I’ve gone thru. Thank you for performing an awesome show. It was my first time seeing you guys and I wanna see you guys come out to LA again! Thank you so much this meant a lot to me. I’m a huge fan! I sang my ass off that night while I jumped around. Thank you for making it so meaningful to me. I hope I can see you guys again soon! I love you guys!🖤 my fav song that night was silver and cold and endlessly, she said. I will soon get a tattoo in honor of you guys and my brother who loved your band. He had A lot of the album covers tatted all over his body. He was a huge fan! Thank you for making great music!
The soundtrack of my life
Wantagh, NY, US
Warped Tour, before STS, recently got married, we went with a large group of friends.. and all these years later almost all I remember about that day is the joy of being with good friends and the amazing AFI performance. Might not seem like a big deal, but one year later I became a mom, which unfortunately lead me to losing touch with a lot of those friends…yet AFI stuck around and helped me remember who I was despite my life having changed so drastically. When STS came out, it reminded me who I was outside of being a mom, like I found myself again. My kids grew up listening to AFI. And next month my husband and I are flying out to the STS anniversary show. Full circle. I can’t thank AFI enough for their music. To this day…going on our 23rd wedding anniversary…. AFI music brings me so much joy, each individual instrument makes me FEEL, not to mention the brilliant lyrics, gang vocals and of course, Davey. Thrilled to still have this band in my life ❤️
Saw AFI when I was 15. I had already loved them for a bit but this was my first real concert Warped Tour 2001. I had lied saying I was going to a christian concert. After they started playing..Just amazing! Blew all the shit talkers in the audience away. Ever and a day came on and the clouds came and it rained for the entire song which cooled everyone off for a bit. Then just as they switched to a single second the sun came out. Never forget that.. the next time I saw them was a few years later at warped tour again. I think sing the sorrow had just come out, When they played cruise control only a handful of people even knew what was going on. I was so sad. The guy next to me even asked how I knew it.
Anyhow, I made tons of new friends on the forum who i still keep in contact with. Somehow I got in early enough where my user name was just “diana” at one point. Always will consider that a small success. I was in the despair faction. I got the stuffed guy and for the life of me cant remember his name. I had him for years until my mom said he was creepy and donated him somewhere. Their music got me through chemo, my dads passing, and high school in general. I met Adam once when I ran into him after a show. I was too scared to say anything though. Still love you guys. Your music means so much to me. Sorry this is over 300 char.
13 Year Old Me
California , US
Sing the Sorrow was released when I was 13 years old, this was my introduction to the band and I was instantly enamored with Davey and AFI’s sound. I had mid length black hair at the time and unintentionally resembled Davey as a punk/emo kid myself. A guy friend pointed this out and I was mortified so I refused to admit I was a fan for years. I wish had more confidence and took it as the compliment it was because Davey has always been gorgeous. I’ve always loved AFI and as an adult just saw them live for the first time in LA last weekend. Nothing but love for you guys and congratulations on 30 years!!
Inspirational through my formative years
New Orleans, LA, US
Found AFI right around the time Sing the Sorrow came out, but instantly loved most of their discography up til that point. I was about 13 or 14 at the time and joined the Despair Faction. Spent lots of time on the forum and met my friend Chelsea there. We’re still friends to this day, and both ended up moving to CO in our twenties. My mom drove us to Pensacola to see them perform and it was so great meeting new friends and hanging out in line before the show. Always fond memories!
Inspiring Health
Sing the Sorrow was a constant on my playlist when I started getting back into shape after a toxic relationship that left me with a broken arm and spirit.
13 years later and AFI (and Blaqk Audio) is dominating a new playlist to once again help me get back in shape after several years of PTSD induced agoraphobia and the pandemic. Davey has also inspired me to try a more vegan diet and my insides feel better than they have in years.
Here’s to being a much healthier, fitter person when I finally get to see them live for the first time later this year! And thank you guys for putting out such great music to keep accompanying me on my health journeys. <3
music from a while back despair faction meetups
memphis,tn, US
hello everyone my names craig wallace
i travelled the states most of my 18 and 19 year old for AFI
they came to my hometown, memphis,tn 3 times and have always kept in connection with us fans, i have suffered a brain injury here in 2022, no pity party here but AFI’s music still helps me out today
my favorite concert i have been to would have to be in 2007 when despair faction members got to meet the band I still talk to those people when I can
i saw them in nashville in 2018 with my wife, whose first time was seeing them, and it changed her opinion of them for sure. the setlists are always amazing and I hope to catch at least one show during the bodies tour somehow.
through our bleeding we are one!
craig wallace – snapchat is memphiscraig for those who want to add me and chat
Words and Stages
Buffalo, NY, US
I was very young when I was introduced to AFI. For me, it was the very lucky summer of 2000 when my friends and I stumbled upon the band playing at our very first warped tour. I was instantly entralled by the band’s intensity and the power of the lyrics. Those words, album after album, have come with me on a journey of healing. I will forever be greatful to the band for helping me to better understand myself, for lessening the feelings of isolation, and helping/encouraging me to ever press forward.
Haunting of the Bay
Portland, OR, US
What is there really to say? In 2001 I was 14 and started going to shows. AFI played 3 nights for halloween at slims and me and my friends were there on November 1st. That night I got to see two of my favorite bands – AFI and the Distillers. Legendary performance and memories that have and will last a lifetime. Davey all in white, Jade, Hunter, and Adam all ripping through the set. I can see the back drop when I close my eyes. Avoid the poles in the circle pit.
AFI has been one of the biggest musical influences in my life. East Bay Hardcore. Thanks for everything.

Just like a memory…
Houston, Texas, US
It was almost 20 years ago when I heard Sing the Sorrow, and I’ve been spellbound since. Words can’t really describe the impact, but AFI has played a huge part in my own personal creativity and healing. I remember the first time I had a chance to go to a live show. I recall the energy and how it felt to not only hear but see the music that brought me so much of everything, that it felt like a burning in my soul that’ll never go out. One dark flame, always.
From New Years Eve to Jones Beach
Montgomery, US
First time I saw you guys perform was on a New Years Eve show on TV. You played “Love like Winter”. I was like oh shit was is this. Instantly hooked. Fast forward some 08/19 Wantagh, NY – Nikon at Jones Beach Theatre. My wife and I bought tix to the”Carnivore” concert and you were the opening act. We were blown away by your performance. Since then I rock out to you guys every almost daily. Always waiting for the next single. Thank you for being so awesome.
My Uncle Michael was one of your first fans.
New Zion, US
My uncle Michael just passed away yesterday. He was one of your first fans. For as long as I can remember he has loved your band! He had at least 10 signed posters in his room growing up and always loved your music! If you could email me and reach out to his mom Lynnette and out family it would mean so much !
Third Season!
Peoria, US
No pics to prove it. 1999 in Tempe, AZ at “The Heat” (formerly Nita’s Hideaway). Went to see my favorite band Good Riddance and walked away obsessed with AFI. They moved the show outside due to the large crowd and I remember a monsoon storm was blowing in rather violently. The wind and the lightning was scaring people. Davey was on top of a huge stack, devil lock blowing in the wind, singing Third Season. It was as if he had summoned the storm! Have not seen anything like that in my entire life. Fanboy till I die…
So it’s kind of random that I ended up here in the first place, but I just put on some old AFI and had been sort of reminiscing about a memory I had back when I was about 12 years old or so. I saw AFI open for The Offspring and L7 at the Agora in Cleveland in probably about 1997. My friend and I had gone to the show specifically for AFI because we found out about them through a Nitro Records comp called “Go Ahead Punk Make My Day” and bought Very Proud of Ya as a result. We missed L7 and half of The Offspring’s set because we were talking to Davey and Jade in the lobby for like an hour. We were only kids, but we talked about tattoos, God, temperance, business, and Marilyn Manson haha. I went on to listen to AFI for decades after that, and always felt like that conversation gave me some inside context to the evolution that occurred from Very Proud of Ya through Sing the Sorrow that I don’t think many other fans had. Anyway, it was a cool memory that I thought I’d share. Literally only because through some serendipitous circumstance, there was an opportunity to share it.
Arlington, TX, US
I don’t quite remember how I first came across AFI, but I was about 13.. Very proud of ya was the first AFI cd I bought. That album helped me through so much during teenage years. Thanks for everything! I’m now 32 & it’s still one of my all time fav albums. Thanks for everything! 🖤
Maryville, TN, US
I first heard AFI on Tony hawk pro skater 2, The boy who destroyed the world. I muted every other song in the game but that one. They quickly became one of the most prolific bands in my life, they have been burned into my soul and embedded in my DNA. Thru heartbreak, sorrow, death and life, they held me and kept me sane. Later in life, I was listening to Totalimmortal, my 3 year old in the back seat. At the end of the song he made me play it again… and again… and again. Now he is 14 and I am taking him to his first AFI show in Atlanta on Dec 2. Yeah, I’m going to cry a little, proud tears.
1997, Matchstisck production movie “Pura Vida” OST
Paris, FR
1997, Pura Vida ski movie… He who laughs last and Cult status + newschool skiing… My 2 passions… still listening to the same music and practicing the same sport 25 years later…
Then saw you at Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy, 2001, The Offspring’s first part… started, shoes were flying…
You still have it inside you… Do a punk album again… CULT STATUS… prolly the best hardcore punk song EVER
First introduction
My favorite cousin was coming home from the military for a visit. He and his parents came to see us and we all hung out a lot. He walked me to the bus. When he left he left me a mix cd and it had a lot of songs, but one was from AFI it was Wester. After that I was hooked. Kept listening to this day.
From Russia with love)))
Москва, RU
I got acquainted with your work in 2006 when I studied at the university. I saw the clip “Miss Murder” and fell in love. And I have loved you for 15 years. Everything, ALL your albums are beautiful. There is not a single song that I don’t like. There is a song for every stage of life, every mood. And I really like your lifestyle. Usually musicians are addicted to drugs and alcohol, but you are different! This is so cool! I love you even more for this) Guys, you are all very handsome men! Girls from the USA are lucky that they can see you not only in the photo! Guys, you are very loved in Russia! We only seem harsh, but we are not! We have a fire inside))) Come to Moscow, we will show you the real “Love Like Winter”)))
Silver and Cold First Kiss
Radford, VA, US
I was secretly dating my older brother’s best friend. He came over one morning before catching the school bus to hang out. The three of us were watching music videos on FUSE when my brother left the room. My boyfriend gave me a quick, “Come here,” from across the room–I obliged. He tenderly grabbed my face with both hands, pulled me in and landed my first kiss while Silver and Cold was playing in the background (which was my favorite part of the memory).
First time seeing AFI
Las Vegas and Tucson, US
It’s been a total of 5 times that I’ve been able to see AFI and the first time was in Tucson. I remember my cousin had his wedding the same day and I left right as soon as the door opened so I got to see AFI for the first time and still made it back in time for the party of my cousins wedding.

What a ride it’s been
Huntington, WV, US
AFI has been my favorite band since I was about 7 and my mom brought home Sing the Sorrow on CD after hearing girls not grey on the radio. What a ride it has been. Literally one of the best days of my young life when I was able to sign up for the lifetime DF membership after CL dropped! It’s hard to say concisely just what this band means to me but goddamn if their music hasn’t been a constant source of comfort and joy the whole while.
Teenage revelation
Springfield, Missouri, US
I was 15 & really discovering my own taste in music when decemberunderground came out. I was watching my favorite channel for music videos & “Miss Murder” started. Absolutely captivated. I immediately needed to hear everything I could from AFI. My mom only regretted buying that CD bc she had to hear it so much. All these years later, I am still captivated every time I hear something from them. I still have all the tshirts and posters from my teenage years, & I hope to one day see them live.

Black Sails to Bodies….here’s to 30 more years!
Salt Lake City, US
I’ve never understood it when people say “AFI? I used to listen to that band….” Some music just stays with you for life (and nobody has the passion like AFI). Shot this picture when I took my brother to see you on the CrashLove tour in 2009….the venue has since been razed, but we’ll never forget that show. We’ll be in the crowd again when you come this March; Thanks for the music and the memories; Each record a work of art……I’ll be listening until the day I die…
Warped Tour 2006 Noblesville, Indiana
South Bend, IN, US
It was my first large show, my friends gave me a ride, I was 15. I knew many of the bands attending, but couldn’t wait to see AFI for the first time. I waited patiently as the crowd grew around me and my friends. The band took the stage, and the crowd rushed forward, I was a pretty small kid, and I was beginning to get pushed pretty hard, then a guy next to me yells “bring her up!” And suddenly, I’m floating over the crowd towards the front! A split second, and I got to look Davy straight in the eyes, before a guard escorted me away. I watched the show from the side, and sang my heart out to every song. 🖤

Austin, Texas, US
I discovered AFI when I was in high school & absolutely fell in love. My best friend surprised me with concert tickets! This would be tricky because my dad was very strict. The conversation quickly fell apart when he shut me down completely on the way to school-the answer was NO. We cried all day, I was shattered. 13 years later I finally got to see my favorite band. Not as heavy eyeliner teen but as a grumpy 30 year old. WORTH THE WAIT!
Answer That and…
Monument, Colorado , US
San Jose. 1995. My mom had recently moved to Colorado and I stayed behind in California because I didn’t want to move. I didn’t know anyone in San Jose. It was lonely. The thing that helped me get through this time was music and skateboarding. There was a new band that I heard toured with Rancid, AFI. I picked up Answer That and Stay Fashionable. My 13 year old self was in heaven. The album spoke to me. I would listen to the album and go skate by myself. It helped me find myself. I’ve loved AFI ever since. Eventually I followed my mom to Colorado and started telling people about AFI, they were so new that no one knew of them. I had Very Proud of Ya in my locker and someone stole it. The next morning File 13 was played on the morning High School television show. At least my stolen album went to good use. Much love!

Irvine, Ca 2018
Phoenix, Az, US
September 30, 2018 I found out while on vacation to see AFI, That our IVF journey and our 1 embryo was a girl! Thanksgiving day 2018 it was confirmed I was pregnant, and that one embryo split into two, and I have identical twin daughters! I think the excitement from seeing my favorite band made my miracles happen!
Best Show of My Life
Cookeville, US
I’m not one to lament the woes of my difficulties in life but I was going through a particularly difficult time in my life which lead to a massive depression. I had tickets to a show at the House of Blues in Cleveland during the Burials era and your energy and the energy surging through that crowd were exactly what I needed to snap me back into a place of calm.
That’s how it’s always been with this band for me a place to revel in darkness, to love my hate, loose my faith and become part of the dark flame over and over again.
Gilman Forever!
Willits, California, US
March 29, 1996 at the Gilman in Berkeley. Went with a friend who knew the folks in AFI and Tiger Army. My first time seeing AFI live. My first time at the Gilman. The most amazing live show I have seen (to date too!). So much energy. So much fire! Will remain in my memory forever.
Starry Night
one of those 50 states, US
It was early 2000’s, a heyday of rebels without a cause finding out there were real causes for being rebels. I enjoyed art and was exploring the possibilities of digital animation with Flash software, which lead me to create an account on Newgrounds where bad animation was welcome. My practice sessions in Flash were posted and got enough attention from people that haters sprang up with the fans. One hater was this guy with a huge ego (no surprise there) that had a good number of followers, since he was a jealous boy he flung a desperate insult at me, but I took it as a challenge to create another award winning movie.
What I decided on was “Starry Night”, an artistic rendition of AFI’s emotionally movie “The Leaving Song Pt. II”.
Published here:
Bringing people together
Coloma, MI, US
The first song I heard by AFI was girls not grey as a kid. Ever since I have been a fan. When I met my husband we bonded over listening to you as well. So thank you for that. We even got to go to a show together once but didn’t take any photos. Congrats on 30!

Thank you
Ogden, UT, US
I could remember being 12 years old and hearing Girl’s not grey for the first time, then Decemberunderground immediately dropped. Your music got me through all of middle and high school, and for most of my life up to current. I swear you guys have a song for everything that happens in life, and thank you for being my soundtrack all this time ❤️❤️❤️ Through our bleeding, we are one.
Played for a place to stay
Kelowna British Columbia, CA
1998 and AFI just released Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes. You guys played in my hometown of Kelowna at a place locals called the Grey Barn but it is officially Okanagan Mission Community Hall. You started the gig with A Single Second and ended with Last Caress. Such a great show. About halfway through Davey yelled we are playing for a place to stay tonight. My buddies parents had a big acreage. We helped you pack up after the show, hung out and partied all night.

I wanna get a mohawk, I might have disobeyed…
sacramento, US
To say your music changed my life would be an understatement, I was that angsty 10 year old you sang about, a kid who fell in love with punk music and got a mohawk despite parental protests. I still rock the ‘hawk today. Your albums are among my most listened to, now and forever.

Meeting my favorite band of all time
Las Vegas, NV, US
On February 18th, 2017, I finally got to meet the band I have worshipped since I was 12 years old. More than half of a lifetime later they are still the coolest band in the world and hold the dearest part of my heart. I was so awe struck and tongue tied that I could barely speak. It was a surreal experience that felt completely euphoric and out of body for me. In retrospect, I feel I had done a disservice by not explaining how much they changed my life with their music so I hope I can rectify this in the future with another meet up one day. They all graciously signed a ton of my AFI collection which I still have framed. After the show I got a tattoo where Davey signed my arm to celebrate this absolute privilege and monumental occasion. If they read this, I hope they know how much their music has helped me brave this world and to be comfortable being myself. Thank you for the last 30 years ❤️🔥